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Torneio Knockout BO-00013
Torneio Knockout BO-00013
Visão Geral do Torneio
Vencedor do Torneio Knockout
ICCF CCE Rene Rodriguez Perez
Frank Bendig - Rene Rodriguez Perez 0.5-0.5
Rene Rodriguez Perez - Nina Shchebenyuk 0.5-0.5
Frank Bendig - Harald Schleef 0.5-0.5
Rene Rodriguez Perez - Drahomír Tyleček 1-0
Fred Kahl - Nina Shchebenyuk 0.5-0.5
Frank Bendig - Antoni Baltar 0.5-0.5
Roger Mislin - Harald Schleef 0-1
Round 1
Jaume Cardona - Roger Mislin 0.5-0.5
Robert Trevis - Rene Rodriguez Perez 0-1
Frank Bendig - Francis Shim Ng Min 1-0
Pavel Kudela - Nina Shchebenyuk 0-1
Andrey Lukin - Antoni Baltar 0-1
Fred Kahl - Thierry Couspeyre 1-0
Stefan Salzmann - Harald Schleef 0.5-0.5
Volkmar Höhne - Drahomír Tyleček 0-1
Participantes do Torneio Knockout
Thierry Couspeyre
Volkmar Höhne
ICCF CCM Harald Schleef
ICCF CCE Rene Rodriguez Perez
ICCF CCE Drahomír Tyleček
ICCF IM Stefan Salzmann
Robert Trevis
ICCF CCM Antoni Baltar
Andrey Lukin
ICCF CCM Frank Bendig
LSS SM Fred Kahl
Francis Shim Ng Min
ICCF LGM Nina Shchebenyuk
ICCF CCM Roger Mislin
Jaume Cardona
Pavel Kudela