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Arenaturnering AO-00023

Arenaturnering AO-00023

Arenaturneringens sluttdato er nådd
Posisjon Spillernavn Land Vurdering Poeng Resultatliste
1 Diogo Luiz de Oliveira Ingen land 2249 52.0 13333131311131133133113131
2 LSS CM Pascal Roques Ingen land 2289 46.0 33333131113111311131311111
3 LSS IM Nelson Ralls Ingen land 2191 45.0 131333133111111131111311311
4 Ton Van Bommel Ingen land 2083 42.0 111113331311113311113313
5 Tom Morcin Ingen land 2083 41.0 231333031101113311131311
6 ICCF CCM Bernard Baroin Ingen land 1998 40.0 23331330311311111111310110
7 Matthew Sheers Ingen land 2086 39.0 11113333331131013331
8 ICCF CCE Drahomír Tyleček Ingen land 1836 39.0 13331301303303103101130110
9 Jaume Cardona Ingen land 800 39.0 331331011110313100111131113
10 Werner Wittal Ingen land 1841 37.0 20333333100111301103131
11 Paweł Mostowik Ingen land 1833 34.0 303313033101113331001
12 Raul Rodriguez Ingen land 2048 33.0 3332313111111130131
ICCF CCM Nikolai Hristov Ingen land 800 33.0 1233333311111131110
14 Ferenc Pehl Ingen land 1040 33.0 2330000030000300030300303100000033
15 Janusz Świątek Ingen land 2138 31.0 1011133311331333
16 Bogdan Nikel Ingen land 1727 29.0 013000030333131310130
17 Tomasz Kazimierski Ingen land 2198 25.0 1131133311313
18 Eugenio Louro Ingen land 1519 22.0 00300013330330003
19 Marián Malý Ingen land 759 22.0 030003300000130030330
20 Oleg Verich Ingen land 1119 21.0 33030030330000030
21 Robert Csoma Ingen land 998 21.0 0000303001133301003
22 Jimmy Jurík Slovakia 1297 19.0 331333300
23 Guido Tedoldi Ingen land 1374 19.0 030300103333000
24 Jerome Heiser Ingen land 617 19.0 000301000333000030000300000
25 Hennie Joubert Ingen land 1489 18.0 000333300000033
26 Vicente Andres Molina Ingen land 873 16.0 03310303000000000003000
27 ICCF CCE Przemysław Łukasiewicz Ingen land 2259 12.0 311133
28 Francisco Jesus Pareja Lopez Ingen land 1565 0.0 --
ICCF CCM Yasset De Paz González Ingen land 1571 0.0 --
Alessio Salvetti Ingen land 1470 0.0 --
31 Graham Salmon Ingen land 1709 0.0 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Vis spill Hvit Svart Resultat Detaljert resultat Spillstart Siste trekk
Forestilling Tomasz Kazimierski Vicente Andres Molina 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-01-20 2024-02-15
Forestilling Eugenio Louro Tomasz Kazimierski 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2023-11-24 2024-02-15
Forestilling Marián Malý Graham Salmon 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-02-04 2024-02-15
Forestilling Matthew Sheers Bernard Baroin 1/2 - 1/2 Tre ganger repetisjon 2024-01-26 2024-02-15
Forestilling Pascal Roques Diogo Luiz de Oliveira 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-02-01 2024-02-14
Forestilling Robert Csoma Marián Malý 1/2 - 1/2 Tre ganger repetisjon 2023-10-15 2024-02-13
Forestilling Diogo Luiz de Oliveira Werner Wittal 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2023-10-27 2024-02-11
Forestilling Jaume Cardona Matthew Sheers 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2024-01-16 2024-02-10
Forestilling Nikolai Hristov Raul Rodriguez 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2023-12-21 2024-02-09
Forestilling Paweł Mostowik Jaume Cardona 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2023-12-09 2024-02-07
Forestilling Marián Malý Janusz Świątek 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2023-11-05 2024-02-02
Forestilling Pascal Roques Jerome Heiser 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-01-05 2024-01-27
Forestilling Matthew Sheers Guido Tedoldi 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2023-11-17 2024-01-23
Forestilling Bernard Baroin Tom Morcin 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2023-12-31 2024-01-22
Forestilling Tom Morcin Diogo Luiz de Oliveira 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2023-11-11 2024-01-22