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Arenaturnering AO-00022

Arenaturnering AO-00022

Posisjon Spillernavn Land Vurdering Poeng Resultatliste
1 LSS IM Christian Koch Ingen land 2258 57.0 1331131331131311111111111111111111111111111
2 LSS IM Nelson Ralls Ingen land 2192 49.0 33313113311111111311111111111111111
3 LSS CM Pascal Roques Ingen land 2286 47.0 313131311131111111131311111111111
Nikolaj Simonov Ingen land 2122 47.0 111331333131131111111111111111111
5 Pablo Varas Chile 2034 42.0 31313113111311011131111111113
6 ICCF CCM Carlos Vila Hernández Ingen land 2407 40.0 2131133113333111111111111
7 ICCF CCE Eliecer Cruz Ramirez Cuba 1754 38.0 332100313113131113113101
8 ICCF SIM Detlef Rook Ingen land 2393 37.0 31111331311311331111111
9 Tom Morcin Ingen land 2075 36.0 13311113311031013131103
10 LSS CM Valeriy Chumanov Ingen land 2143 36.0 31302130300030010003110301013111
11 ICCF CCM Christian Javier Filippinene 1813 33.0 31111133113333311
12 Mark Oliger Ingen land 2142 33.0 11113313131121111133-
13 ICCF CCM Bernard Baroin Ingen land 2026 33.0 313003110131100331301112
14 Janusz Świątek Ingen land 2112 31.0 213331301131333
15 ICCF CCE Drahomír Tyleček Ingen land 1805 31.0 11130111133021311033100
16 Tomasz Kazimierski Ingen land 2212 28.0 133113111111311113
17 ICCF CCM Hans Galjé Ingen land 2145 27.0 133111113131313
18 Pavel Kudela Ingen land 1277 24.0 0203330000133300003
19 Robert Csoma Ingen land 992 23.0 02300320003010300300000003
20 Raul Rodriguez (+) Spania 2035 22.0 1103210131331011
21 Rainer Tavenrath Ingen land 883 21.0 211131311313--
22 Otto Neumann Ingen land 712 18.0 00000303000003000003000000300030
23 Jimmy Jurík Slovakia 1278 15.0 330033300
24 Marián Malý Ingen land 760 15.0 00030000033000033000
25 Jerome Heiser Ingen land 613 12.0 00000030300000030000300000000
26 Alessio Salvetti Ingen land 1470 3.0 3--
27 ICCF CCM Yasset De Paz González Ingen land 1571 3.0 201--
28 Alan Carrizo Ingen land 800 0.0 -0
José Rafael Sueiro Coronado Ingen land 2151 0.0 -0
Robin Anderson Ingen land 800 0.0 --
Marcos Raluy Ingen land 1368 0.0 --
32 Robert Trevis Ingen land 254 0.0 00000000000000000000000000

Vis spill Hvit Svart Resultat Detaljert resultat Spillstart Siste trekk
Forestilling Drahomír Tyleček Otto Neumann 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-06-10 2024-06-14
Forestilling Raul Rodriguez (+) Robert Csoma 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-04-29 2024-06-13
Forestilling Otto Neumann Jerome Heiser 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-04-28 2024-06-08
Forestilling Pascal Roques Drahomír Tyleček 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-05-16 2024-06-06
Forestilling Drahomír Tyleček Eliecer Cruz Ramirez 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-04-23 2024-06-03
Forestilling Bernard Baroin Otto Neumann 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-05-17 2024-06-01
Forestilling Christian Koch Carlos Vila Hernández 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-04-19 2024-06-01
Forestilling Robert Csoma Tom Morcin 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2024-05-15 2024-06-01
Forestilling Nikolaj Simonov Mark Oliger 1/2 - 1/2 Tre ganger repetisjon 2024-02-23 2024-05-31
Forestilling Jerome Heiser Christian Javier 0 - 1 White ble parret 2024-04-18 2024-05-30
Forestilling Marián Malý Robert Trevis 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-04-18 2024-05-30
Forestilling Pablo Varas Christian Koch 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-05-16 2024-05-29
Forestilling Carlos Vila Hernández Nikolaj Simonov 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-04-19 2024-05-29
Forestilling Pavel Kudela Hans Galjé 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2024-02-23 2024-05-25
Forestilling Nelson Ralls Pablo Varas 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-05-12 2024-05-24