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Arenaturnering AO-00025

Arenaturnering AO-00025

Maksimalt antall kamper i Arena startet
Posisjon Spillernavn Land Vurdering Poeng Resultatliste
1 LSS IM Christian Koch Ingen land 2225 61.0 1113133113111313111111111111111111111111111111111
2 ICCF CCE Milan Vodička Ingen land 2107 57.0 1311113031111113111131131111111111111111111111
3 Sylwia Kolanek Ingen land 2118 44.0 31303133133111111111110111111111
4 Herbert Bellmann Ingen land 2401 43.0 3111131311111311111111131111111011
5 LSS IM Nelson Ralls Ingen land 2180 39.0 33311113111331111131311
6 Jaume Cardona Ingen land 1671 38.0 33101113311131113311311
7 Sergio Curtacci Ingen land 2189 36.0 111111333101113131111111111
8 LSS CM Pascal Roques Ingen land 2275 33.0 333111031133311131
9 ICCF CCM Jari Laine Ingen land 2048 33.0 2113113311313013311
10 Michael Müller-Töpler Ingen land 1810 33.0 13313311111111111111111101
11 Roberto Grillo Ingen land 1987 30.0 113313313033311
12 ICCF CCM Bernard Baroin Ingen land 1933 30.0 01131311331311331
13 Santana Stelmes Ingen land 1749 30.0 310110333113003313
14 Seved Jenneborg Ingen land 1800 30.0 3130133030330303001
15 Janusz Świątek Ingen land 2124 27.0 3131311311333
16 ICCF CCE Drahomír Tyleček Ingen land 1892 25.0 3133301101110103300
17 LSS CM Valeriy Chumanov Ingen land 1997 24.0 00010003030003000030000003010110311
18 ICCF CCE Rene Rodriguez Perez Ingen land 1787 23.0 3231111011333
19 ICCF CCE Björn Knöppel Ingen land 2128 22.0 113111331331
20 ICCF CCE Eliecer Cruz Ramirez Cuba 1796 19.0 30303303111010
21 Robert Csoma Ingen land 1019 18.0 0000000330330300000003
22 Michael Christensen Ingen land 1785 16.0 31330303
23 Tomasz Kazimierski Ingen land 2174 16.0 1313311111
24 Jozef Pauk Ingen land 785 16.0 000000033033000000310000
25 Adam Korchut Ingen land 1697 15.0 0000003030000333
26 Vicente Andres Molina Ingen land 836 15.0 00032300000300030000010
27 Pablo Slavin Ingen land 1161 14.0 020000030333
28 Jerome Heiser Ingen land 663 10.0 0300000000003001300
29 ICCF CCE Martin Vieth Ingen land 2074 4.0 1111--
30 ICCF CCE Przemysław Łukasiewicz Ingen land 2259 2.0 110
31 LSS CM Carmine Salvatore Ingen land 2341 0.0 --
32 Robert Trevis Ingen land 240 0.0 000000000000000000000

Vis spill Hvit Svart Resultat Detaljert resultat Spillstart Siste trekk
Forestilling Christian Koch Michael Müller-Töpler 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-03-02 2024-03-08
Forestilling Sylwia Kolanek Christian Koch 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-02-28 2024-03-07
Forestilling Santana Stelmes Jerome Heiser 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-01-05 2024-03-04
Forestilling Nelson Ralls Rene Rodriguez Perez 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2023-11-28 2024-03-03
Forestilling Robert Csoma Valeriy Chumanov 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-01-23 2024-03-03
Forestilling Roberto Grillo Jari Laine 1/2 - 1/2 Tegnet stilling i bordbaser 2023-11-09 2024-02-29
Forestilling Herbert Bellmann Michael Müller-Töpler 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-02-23 2024-02-28
Forestilling Sylwia Kolanek Christian Koch 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-02-21 2024-02-26
Forestilling Christian Koch Milan Vodička 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-02-19 2024-02-26
Forestilling Jozef Pauk Robert Trevis 1 - 0 Svart trakk seg 2024-01-31 2024-02-24
Forestilling Tomasz Kazimierski Jaume Cardona 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-01-17 2024-02-23
Forestilling Vicente Andres Molina Herbert Bellmann 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2024-01-26 2024-02-22
Forestilling Herbert Bellmann Björn Knöppel 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-01-06 2024-02-21
Forestilling Jaume Cardona Sylwia Kolanek 1/2 - 1/2 Tegne 2024-02-03 2024-02-20
Forestilling Jerome Heiser Michael Christensen 0 - 1 White trakk seg 2023-12-19 2024-02-20